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To manage giveaways you need one of the giveaway roles selected in the dashboard, or the "Manage Guild" permission.



/giveaway start

Start the interactive giveaway setup.


Use the button below a giveaway message to edit it.

Reroll winners

/giveaway reroll message:Message ID

This will pick one or the configured amount of winners again after a giveaway has ended.

Users can be selected multiple times.


/giveaway end message:Message ID


/giveaway delete message:Message ID

List giveaways

/giveaway list

List all giveaways of the server. Note that giveaways are deleted 3 months after they've ended.


Giveaway message

Change the text of the giveaway message. Can be used for example to ping a giveaway role.

Role for creating/managing giveaways

Users with this role can create and edit and giveaways.

Users with one of these roles can run all commands on this page.

Roles which always can participate

Users with this role can always participate in giveaways, ignoring any requirements that have been set for the giveaway.

Behavior of extra entries


This setting causes the default entry (1) to be added together with all extra entries.

Highest role

With this setting the extra entries count of the highest role the specific user has and which has got a value for the extra entries assigned.

Highest extra entry

This value causes the highest extra entry to count which the user has from their roles.

Extra entries per role

This setting allows a value per role which specifies the amount of extra entries the role receives in giveaways.

Any number from 0 to 50 can be used, in which case 0 effectively disables the participation on giveaways.


You can add different requirements for participating in a giveaway.

Possible requirements:

  • roles: Requires all of these roles for participating
    • roles:123456789123456789
    • roles:123456789123456789,987654321987654321
  • anyRoles: Requires any of these roles for participating
  • notRoles: The user must not have any roles to be able to participate
  • minAge: The account of the user must be at least this time old
    • minAge:3mo
    • minAge:1 week 2 days
  • minMemberAge: The user must be on the server for this time
  • minLeaderboardPoints: The user must have at least this amount of leaderboard points. Depending on the level cooldown setting one point corresponds to one or two messages.
    • minLeaderboardPoints:1000