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YouTube feeds

YouTube notificiations allow sending a message when the user uploads a new video or short to YouTube. If a user schedules a video or livestream, the bot will also announce it.

The bot checks for new items every 10 minutes, due to YouTube limiting the feeds it rarely may take a bit longer.


/youtube channel:Channel name

The command displays a list of channels that match your search query. By selecting a channel, more information about is shown, e.g. the video and subscriber count.

Video feeds

You can get the YouTube user ID for the channel field in the YouTube feed settings using the youtube command, or by using the "Share" button on a channels info page by clicking the description and then the Share button on the right hand side.

Every server can add up to ten YouTube channels and receive notifications for them.


This is an explanation of all variables that can be used in YouTube messages.

  • {link}: The link to the newly uploaded video or short
  • {title}: The video title
  • {thumbnail}: Image URL of the thumbnail
  • {description}: The video description
  • {channelName}: Publisher channel name
  • {channelLink}: Publisher channel link
  • {published}: When the video was published
  • {updated}: When the video was last updated - due to the short timespan until detecting the video usually the same as or similar to the publish time.