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The Manage Bot allows you to create customcommands to manage a server.

Filled in Discord slash command to create customcommands, in this case to whitelist a player on a Minecraft server


/customcommand add <Name> <Panel alias> <Server ID> <Command> [<Response>]

Creates a customcommand on the server, linked to your panel access data.

You can find the panel alias using /list. If no response is set, the Discord app will reply with "The command was run in panel …: …"

/customcommand delete <Name>

Deletes a customcommand.

/customcommand list

Lists all customcommands of the server.


  • {args}: A list of all arguments
  • {1} {2} {3}: The first three arguments, optional
  • {!1} {!2} {!3}: The first three arguments, required


Start a server

  • command: start
  • response: The server is being started!

You can also use stop, restart, and kill.

Minecraft whitelist

  • command: whitelist add {!1}
  • response: The player **{1}** has been whitelisted!