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Mass actions


Ban users

/mass ban reason:Reason users:List of users, separated by " ", "," or ";"

Using this command, a maximum of 200 members can be banned at once.


If users are banned using this command no modlog entry is created for them by default due to storage reasons.

If you are interested in those modlog entries, ban the users one-by-one or ask on the support server.

Kick users

/mass kick reason:Reason users:List of users, separated by " ", "," or ";"


Dehoisting, which means the removal of unnormal characters at the beginning of usernames, can either be started using the dehoist command or by enabling the related setting.

If the setting for automatic dehoisting is enabled, the app will automatically dehoist all members once a day.

Add role to multiple members

/role massadd role:Role [filter:Filter]

Adds a role to all server members.

The possible filters can be found below.

Remove role from multiple members

/role massremove role:Role [filter:Filter]

Removes a role from all server members.

The possible filters can be found below.

Possible filters for role mass actions

Using the filter option, you can change which members will receive the role:

  • All (don't specify)
  • Only bots (bot)
  • Only humans (nobot)
  • Only members which currently have a role (enter the role ID only as filter)
  • -joined=<Relative time>
  • -created=<Relative time>
  • -role=<Role ID>
  • -notrole=<Role ID>
  • -username=<Text>
  • -username-ignorecase=<Text>
  • -usernameincludes=<Text>
  • -usernameincludes-ignorecase=<Text>
  • -nickname=<Text>
  • -nickname-ignorecase=<Text>
  • -nicknameincludes=<Text>
  • -nicknameincludes-ignorecase=<Text>

If no filter is selected, all server members are affected.